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문항공모 아르바이트 모집 안녕하세요. 일산 EG English원장 염태섭입니다. 문항 수집 아르바이트생 모집합니다. 1문항당 5000원입니다. 어떠한 예문을 뽑아야하는가 ? 역대 EBS 문제집들을 드릴 예정입니다. 문제를 고를 때 다음과 같이 수능 틱한 논리의 지문과 상당한 수준의 난이도를 가진 지문을 뽑으셔야합니다. 1. 주장 + 부연설명 = 이해가 어려운 문항 2. 지문 자체 수준이 일정 수준의 독해력이 없다면 풀어낼 수 없는 문항 다음 예시 사례들을 보시면 어느 정도 감이 잡힐 거라 생각합니다. 생각 있으신 능력자분들의 많은 지원 바랍니다! 능력이 출중하다면 페이는 당연히 올려드립니다. 1. All art is creation regardless of how closely the imitation resembles the original. Even the most rigorous attempt to create an absolute likeness is ultimately selective. Doing a portrait for example, the artist may ask the subject to look serious, not smile-selecting a certain aspect of the person. We know Mona Lisa Giaconda, the subject of the most famous portrait in the world, through her mysterious smile; but we will never know what the entire person was like. The treasure of art, however, is that its reality lives forever. The final product is really an addition to reality, not simply a way of totally reproducing it. The artist always contributes something new, something that never was put together in precisely that way before. Leonardo's Mona Lisa is not Mona Lisa. The latter has long since gone to her reward the former will never die. 2. Based on our biases in Western culture, we generally presume that all actions have an antecedent cause. Things do not just happen; it is not a random world, so all things have a cause. Our primary objective is to find and establish that relationship. In the social sciences, that may be easier said than done. It is very difficult to be value-free; we come with a great deal of cultural bias and can easily misinterpret or unknowingly manipulate facts. We do not have the luxury of working with petri dishes or chemical interactions. Human behavior may be highly unpredictable; our subjects have free will, and our models may not be applicable in various situations. For example, our American model of the nuclear family (spouses and children) is less accurate than the more universal model (mother and child) when it comes to understanding family relationships and composition in many societies. 3. Uncertainty is a basic fact of life. Despite uncertainty, people must make predictions about the world. Will the car you are considering buying be reliable? Will you like the food you order? When you see an animal in the woods, what should you do? One source of information that reduces uncertainty is category membership. Although all Xpress Sportscars are not exactly the same, they are so similar that you can predict with some confidence that the new Sportscar you are considering will be reliable. Kansas City style barbecue ribs are not identical, but they taste more similar to one another than they do to roast chicken or tofu dishes. Knowing the category of an entity therefore serves to reduce the uncertainty associated with it, and the category reduces uncertainty to the degree that the category members are uniform with respect to the prediction you want to make. This category-based induction is one of the main ways that categories are useful to us in everyday life.
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